Information on the orb as a symbol and as a piece of jewellery

If you would like to learn more about the Orb Of Life or if you are interested in its background information, here is the right place.

About the Orb Of Life

Flower Of Life in 3DFlower3D

The Flower Of Life is an ancient form, which has been found in many places around the world. For centuries, it has been, and is being used as a symbol of strength, for the promotion of harmony and energy/joy of life (joie de vivre).
It brings geometry into the life and experiences of the bearer as well as the viewer. Symbolically, it stands for the energy of creation and everything that exists. The Orb Of Life is the Flower Of Life in a new dimension (3D). Symbolically, love adds a 3rd dimension to the aspects of harmony and energy.

Relation to the VenusVenusflower

Venus stands for love. Venus was the Romans' goddess of love; the dolphin was the accompanying animal. The planet Venus is the brightest heavenly body of the night; the morning and evening star. The Earth and Venus "dance" a flower of Venus around the Sun for eight years.
The Orb Of Life was "coincidentally" discovered during one of the very rare Venus transit (5th -6th June 2012; the next transit will only take place in the year 2117). In other words, the Sun, Venus and the Earth were on a line and the Sun's energy radiated the love of Venus to the Earth...

Relation to the DodecahedronDodekaeder

The 5 Platonic bodies are in the Centre of the so-called "sacred geometry". The first 4 of these bodies were tetrahedron (3-sided pyramid), hexahedron (cube), octahedron (double pyramid), and icosahedron which represented in ancient times the 4 elements of Fire, Earth, Air and Water.
The fifth body, the dodecahedron, was not mentioned in the ancient mystery schools. It symbolised the Divinity, Aether, Chi, the Quintessence of Alchemy... And as you can see, the Orb Of Life is the female counterpart or dual counterpart to the dodecahedron.


Vision for orb carriersinfo_views

The Orb Of Life intrigued people of all faiths. It is a new, wonderful and unstained symbol. The orb is not only a symbol of harmony (healing), energy and love, it equally reminds us by its shape that we only need to change our perspective in order to have a completely different view, and if necessary, to have a more positive feeling. Since, despite its clear structure and symmetry, the orb looks completely different, when viewed from different angles. Thus, the wearer as well as the viewer of the orb unconsciously learns tolerance for others' perceptions of the world, thereby contributing to making our world a better place.

Found in TranceTrance

The Orb Of Life was visualised for the first time in a trance/meditation; - As a harmony, energy and love radiating shape; a feeling of deep gratitude and joy. In a further trance or vision, this form merged with a dodecahedron and gave as the crucial hint to the (re) construction of this form in the physical world. Fascinating: The "found-er" of the orb had "incidentally" only again started to meditate shortly after over 25 years of break. The orb was "coincidentally" disclosed during a Venus transit: Here, the Sun (energy), Venus (love) and the Earth harmoniously arrayed into a line and the energy of the Sun radiated the love of Venus on Earth.

Found in the year 20122012

In many new age groups, Vedic and South American systems of beliefs attached great importance to this in the year 2012. It was not the end of the world, as many media suggested, but it was a "leap in consciousness". Also, it is interesting how many people have since then radically changed their lives (systems of belief, consciousness, eating etc.). Some spiritual teachers (such as Yogi Bhajan) associate this with the beginning of the Merman' ages (Age of Aquarius), whose start date was back in the year 2012. Background: During a period of approximately 25,800 years (the so-called Platonic year), the point of the spring Sunrise passes once through all 12 (or 13) zodiac signs (constellations). The Age of Aquarius is now followed the age of Taurus; Aries (beginning at the time of Abraham), and Pisces (Beginning at the time of Jesus).


The Orb Of Life appears completely different, when viewed from different viewpoints, while at the same time reminding us of other well-known symbols, such as:
Hexagram: Symbol of Judaism (Star of David); also the symbol of some trends of Hinduism, Buddhism and Gnosticism (Reference to the divine element in humans); Symbol of protection.
Lotus Flower (blossom): Symbol of purity
Venus Flower: Symbol of love
Pentagon or Pentagram: main symbol of sacred geometry: here, all the lines intersect in the ratio of the "Golden number" Phi. Symbol of protection (see Goethe's Faust)
Triangle: Symbol for body, soul and spirit; or for the Trinity,...
Vesica Piscis / fish: Symbol for man and woman, to the (divine) eye of Jesus...

The Orb as a Symbol and as a Piece of Jewelry

Golden Ratio - Phi

Perhaps the optimal size of the Orb Of Life is 1.618 cm or Phi cm. This is a tribute to the Golden number Phi. The number Phi represents the most beautiful of all proportions. If one divides a line such that the larger and the smaller part are exactly the same as the total distance to the larger one, then the perfect proportion will have been found; this ratio is called the golden section, "proportio divina" or "divine proportion". First mentioned in writing in the "first Math book in the world", the "elements" of Euclid.
The golden ratio can be found in all classical building, as well as in nature. In humans, we find this ratio among others in the lengths of the phalanges, the width of our incisors, the upper to the lower body (= mid belly button) and much more... Even the ratios of width to height of most of the images on this page correspond to the golden number Phi. Geometrically, the measure of the golden section is particularly found in the five-star, the Pentacle (pentagram). Here, all routes in this ratio intersect. A magical (protective) effect was always ascribed to the Pentagram (see Goethe's Faust). Also, this number is mathematically a "miracle":
In the famous Fibonacci sequence (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21,... each number is the sum of the two preceding ones) the ratio of any number to its previous number always approaches to the number Phi.
Phi can simply be represented with the number 1 as a continued fraction or as a root sequence.
Also coincidentally, Phi²-1=Phi and it equally means: (1/Phi) + 1 = Phi...
Phi is without doubt the most fascinating of all the numbers. Previously, it belonged to the secret knowledge (= esotericism); Today, all this knowledge is freely accessible, but is rarely taught and as such is hardly known...

The Manufacture of the Orbs

Each Orb Of Life is unique with an extremely complex manufacturing process using the lost form (Lost Wax) method of casting. Thus, the orbs themselves can be produced in "one mould" without destruction processes (such as milling). For every single orb/sphere, an individual wax model is first created with a 3D printer. These wax spheres are grouped together into a wax tree (also known as a pouring cluster). Subsequently, an embedding material is poured on this wax tree., creating a solid form. After heating this solid form the wax melts leaving a cavity, this cavity in the ceramic is then filled with metal. stainless steel, gold or silver for the most part. After the metal has cooled, the metal tree is released from the ceramic material, then each Orb Of Life is separated from the pouring cluster on the tree (this point can sometimes be found on your sphere). Each Orb Of Life is then finished by hand, polished, and if required gold plated. Only when the Orb Of Life has met the exacting criteria are they energised by a Reiki-Master. Here are further details about the orbs materials in the shop and the possible special options:
Bronze: Cu 90% Sn 10%
Sterling Silver: Ag 93% Cu 4% Zn 3%
White Gold, 585/14 Carat: Au 58.50%, Ag 17.43%, Cu 9.13%, Zn 4.15%, Pd 10.79%
Yellow Gold, 585/14 Carat: Au 58.50%, Ag 12.60%, Cu 25.40%, Zn 3.50%
Rose Gold, 585/14 Carat: Au 58.50%, Cu 39.50%, Zn 2.0%
Titanium: TiAl6V4 Alloy
White Gold, 750/18 Carat: Au 75.20%, Ag 10.42%, Cu 5.45%, Zn 2.48%, Pd 6.45%
Yellow Gold 750/18 Carat: Au 75.20%, Ag 12.10%, Cu 10.80%, Zn 2.10%
Rose Gold 750/18 Carat: Au 75.30%, Cu 24.7%
Platinum: Pt 95%, Ru 5%