
The feedback of the orb bearer is often overwhelming.

The orb brings geometry and harmony into the life and experiences of the wearer and viewer and it subconsciously reminiscent of the original order of things. It radiates energy and love.
Some people who wear the Orb Of Life only see a beautiful piece of jewellery in the orb and tend to realise that the orbs are often unusually addressed. Others use the Orb-of-life as an anchor for good feelings, as an object for meditation, as a substitute for the flower of life or a DNA spiral in the Feng Shui, for energising water and much more.

More and more healers / energy workers equally use the orbs as a reinforcing tool in their modalities.

It seems that the orb generally enhances the positive qualities and individual abilities of the wearer.


Wir freuen uns sehr auf und über jedes Feedback


0liver ("Founder"):
Apparently, it was really my calling, to "invent" the Orb Of Life: The text on my birth certificate reads: "Oliver restores the symmetry" once more. Mathematics, especially geometry has always inspired me. I have long been a "human intellect". As such, I set myself the task of bringing the flower of life into a spherical form, but my mind failed! Then the form showed itself to me in one of my first meditations after an endlessly long break (over 25 years). My "emotional/spiritual" side was once again awakened or strengthened and since then I have been leading a "double life"; as a scientist on the one hand and as an "Esoteric" on the other hand, who can carry the orb into the world....

Also, my family life changed. My unhappy relationship ended shortly afterwards and a few years later, a new lovely woman entered my life. "Incidentally", the first wearer of the orb who is my wife today, gave me a son exactly 1 year and 1 month and 1 day after my discovery of the orb. Whenever my rational side threatens to dominate again, the orb helps me restore the harmony and "to walk in love".
Jeanne (author):
The Orb of Life reminds us of the divine seed which eternally shines in us.
Everyone I know is excited by their orb and will not give them away. [...] I cannot imagine my day-to-day life without the orb. Thanks for bringing them to life!
An amazing good luck charm that is incredibly precise and made of high-quality. I love this pendant! It is also very great as a gift... Thank you very much
Eric Pearl writes "healing is the release [...] of a [...] disturbance, which separates us from the perfection of the universe". The Orb Of Life symbolises this perfection; it reminds us consciously or unconsciously (see Plato's anamnesis) of the fact that we are also one with the divine one. Therefore [...] often helps one to become more aware of his/her immortal soul and to feel better.
For the interference suppression in living and sleeping rooms and in the protection from electro-smog, I now recommend the Orb Of Life, even more than the flower of life
I use the orb to assist me in distance healing. The feedback from my patients is great!
The Orb Of Life has exceeded all my expectations. It is extremely beautifully made and it has a wonderful energising effect. It has now become my favourite piece. The price-performance ratio is top! Thank you very much!
The Orb Of Life is not only beautiful; it equally radiates a powerful energy. I often wrap them in my hands during unsafe situations and enjoy the peace and energy which it radiates. Also, many people have approached me for this beautiful pendant; a completely successful piece of jewellery.
I carry the orb-of-life with me every day. Its energy and positive vibration is clearly felt. The perfection of its geometry makes everything good. The Orb Of Life is highly recommended, Can ANYTHING be easier :-) And... it is much more beautiful than it appears on the photo!
Petra (natural healer / Naturopath):
The Orb Of Life is a beautiful piece of jewellery and it still has really wonderful side effects, in addition to its beautiful looks. For me, the Orb Of Life has become a constant companion and I constantly feel its power and protection. Even skeptics will feel their attraction and strength, which they will still not recognise in the beginning but will soon tend to notice how wonderfully everything fits :)
I bought the golden Orb Of Life in the first place because of its beauty and was hoping that it would give me more energy. And... it indeed does! Not only that, I also had great ideas, which I ascribed on the orb. I wear them on a band or ring around the neck or hold them in my hands during meditation. I love to wear them every day. It is also admired by most people; including men.
The orb is great. Initially I had borrowed a bronze pendant for a few days but it was not mine at all. MY [rose-gold] feels just great, swinging on my frequency and accompanied me day and night for a few weeks. I have not worn chains for many years, since I always had the feeling that my head is energetically cut off from the "rest". With the orb, the opposite happens. I feel ALL AS ONE... This is fantastic!
Every day, I pleased with this beautiful orb and I'm on my way! Amazing how much I suddenly started, what had only briefly flashed in the past, to sink into the nebulous gray of the brain! Thank you very much
I am happy about the Orb Of Life and I have the feeling that it gives me more confidence and a harmonious feeling, and it attributes a nice feeling in me.

There are more and more people inspired by the Orb Of Life. We are pleased about every recommendation and of course feedback (on this page). Most preferably with a photo and an authorisation for this photo to be used on this site (page).

Feedback, photos (with orb), or even questions can be sent through the email