
Thank you for visiting this page (site).
Thank you for being interested in me: The Orb Of Life.

As you've surely noticed, I am the Flower Of Life expressed in a new way/third dimension (3D).
I was "discovered" and protected as a geometric form in 2012.

I am a new and unused symbol of harmony (healing), energy and love. I am equally a symbol of tolerance and compassion; because through my form (shape), I remind the orb carrier and people who see me that we only need to change our perspective, in order to have a different view and a more positive feeling. On this page, you can learn more about me, buy me, and read the feedback from people who have taken me into their lives. I wish and send you harmony, energy and love!

Your Orb Of Life.

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The found-er and first female carrier of an orb of life


The Orb Of Life is a new core element of the so called sacred geometry. It is the female counterpart to the dodecahedron that symbolises divinity (Aether, Chi, Quintessence).

It is equally called the orb of Love, because its view reminds us of the flower of Venus.

And it was "coincidentally" revealed during a night, when the Sun (energy), Venus (love) and the Earth were in a line. In the year 2012....,

-> for more information


Each Orb Of Life is unique with an extremely complex manufacturing process, which is energised at the end by a Reiki-Master.

In the orb-of-life shop, the orbs are presented amongst others in massive bronze, silver and gold.

In the "bargain-shop" you can find subsidised residual copies (specimen) from previous actions, in different materials and sizes...

-> To the shop and the bargain


The Orb Of Life brings geometry and harmony into the life and experiences of the bearer and viewer. It subconsciously reminiscent of the original order of things. It radiates energy and love.

Some orb carriers "simply" enjoy the Orb Of Life (orb) as a beautiful piece of jewellery.

More and more healers/energy workers believe that the Orb Of Life enhances their abilities and as such they use the orbs to assist them in their work...

-> To the feedback of orb carriers